Compressed Air Cylinder System-Cilindru
de aer comprimat ce permite incarcarea de nenumarate ori si inlocuirea
buteliilor de CO2 ce sunt de unica intrebuintare.

The innovation for extreme applications!
The advantages of the TeleDart Compressed Air Cylinder System:
Endless series of shots without icing
Compressed air removesonly a little bit of heat during
decompression.Therefore, icing of the TeleDart gun is nearly
impossible. Even if you have to do a large series of shots at long
distances your TeleDart gun or your Teledart pistol are always fully
Constant shooting results even in icy cold
When using the Teledart air pressure system, the shooting performance remains constant in icy cold.
High filling pressure
You can fill up to 200 bar of pressure into the Teledart compressed air
cylinder cartridge. With a filled Cartridge, up to 5 shots at the
maximum distance are possible.
Compressed air cylinder cartridge can be refilled infinitely
The TeleDart compressed air cylinder can be refilled as often as
necessary in diving shops, at your local fire department, with your own
air pressure bottle, with a compressor, or with an airpump.
The pressure cartridge can be taken off
At any time you can take off the filled compressed air cylinder from
your applicator. It closes automatically and the pressure inside
remains steady.
No disposal of empty CO2-cartridges
No need to throw away spent CO2-cartridges. The air cylinder cartridge can be used repeatedly.