The TeleDart ® Injection pistol RD206 is delivered either with a footpump
or a CO2-device and with a barrel in the caliber of your choice. It can be
plugged together very rapidly.
As it does not look like a weapon, it can be easily transported. Its function is
very simple and safe. Solidly engineered and made of aluminium with an effective range of 30 m,
the TeleDart® RD206 offers all you can want from a modern injection pistol.
The pistol incorporates an excess-pressure safety release valve and a
trigger valve as well as pressure regulation with a pressure gauge in
full view while aiming. Pressure can be adjusted rapidly both up and down
during aiming.
You can order this pistol in a left-hand or a right-hand version. When adding a prismatic rail (optional), the mounting of a scope, red-dot, or laser sight is possible.